We are here to support red-green colour blind individuals to live their life more confidently. Our continuous efforts lead to a world where everyone affected by colour vision deficiencies is accurately diagnosed and effectively supported.

Started at the Tech University

In 1986 two aspiring associate professors, Prof. habil. György Ábrahám PhD, DSc. and dr. habil. Klára Wenzel at the renowned Budapest University of Technology and Economics made it their mission to develop a solution for colour vision deficiency, dedicating their free time in the evenings to this work.

They thoroughly explored the root causes of colour blindness, publishing the first patents for filtering technologies and diagnostic methods in the years that followed. However, it took nearly 30 years before the first filter lenses and eyewear became widely available.

From Tomatoes to Colour Vision Enhancement Glasses

Discover how Prof. habil. György Ábrahám PhD, DSc. developed the revolutionary concept of colour vision enhancement glasses.

Everything started with a can of pale red tomatoes


Developed through a unique collaboration between colour vision scientists and engineers in ophthalmology, and supported by the scientific advisory of Prof. habil. György Ábrahám PhD, DSc., the COLORON brand was founded in 2020.

Our team develops, manufactures, and sells spectacles designed to help red-green colour blind individuals perform better in everyday colour-related tasks. The colour vision enhancement lenses enable more precise differentiation between reddish and greenish shades.

COLORON & Medicontur

Medicontur Ltd. is a global medical device specialist (founded as Kontur GmbH in Germany in 1988) and renowned for developing and manufacturing high-precision optics for treating cataracts and other ocular diseases.

COLORON represents the newest addition to the company’s technology portfolio. Medicontur’s ownership allows us to maintain high quality and seamless processes.


Become Our Partner

COLORON’s professional patented software offers a reliable diagnosis close to the international standards in testing (Farnsworth, Anomaloscope, Ishihara). This testing software is accessible only to our partners.
If you are interested in becoming an authorised partner, message us and we will reach out to you with more information.